She has always been interested in modern rockabilly culture, art nouveau, vaudeville, and Victorian fashion, so she was naturally inclined to begin shooting glamorous pinup photography. Gayla has early recollections of family outings to antique auctions or estate sales and has been collecting distinct pieces since she was small. Her first major purchase as a child was a 1930's armoir, and her furniture collection has since grown so vast that her storage room “looks like a bomb blew up in a vintage store.” There is no idea Gayla and 666photography can't recreate for their models. They build their sets from the ground up, and often hand make their costumes, hats, and accessories to form the concept perfectly.
Gayla was the photographer for the cover of Halloween Man, which I featured last week. Jami Deadly, who portrays the character on the cover, has modeled for Gayla on numerous occasions, and is married to Drew Edwards, the writer/creator of Halloween Man. Gayla knew if she combined her photography with Jami's look, they could give Drew the cover shot of Lucy, a main character in HM, he was looking for.
666photography currently has numerous projects in the works including two books, one of them covering the Seven Deadly Sins, and their schedule is filled through December 2007. If you would like to make an appointment and discuss a photography shoot with Gayla, you can reach her through her MySpace page here. To ensure you grab her attention, she humorously encourages titling messages to the effect of “Read This! I Want To Give You My Money,” and that should bump you up to the top of her respondee list.