Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What's In A Name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
-Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

A few of iTaggit's members have been writing lately about old books they have had or found. Some are first editions, some have valuable signatures, and some have no idea what they are looking at or how valuable it is. Well, if you stumble upon a book, or even a piece of paper, that happens to have William Shakespeare's signature on it, you have tremendous luck or a very interesting heirloom on your hands. Although in modern times, it seems two hours can't pass without someone needing you to sign your name, in the past it was much more rare, even if you worked with a quill and parchment on a daily basis. For all the writing Shakespeare did, his signature is one of the most scarce to find. Today, there are only six of the playwright's known authenticated signatures in existence, making his one of the most valuable in the world. The known ones can be found on a conveyance for a house in London, a legal deposition, a mortgage document, and three are in his will. Any one of those has been quoted at a value of $3 million. That amount makes any name sweet.

Treasure Tuesday - Avon Jewelry

Quite by accident, I have discovered a new love affair with Avon Jewelry. A couple of years ago, I found a fabulous necklace at an Antiques store, and noticed it was signed Avon.

Avon Gold Necklace

A little research online has revealed that Avon's vintage jewelry is quite collectible - not worth a whole lot $$ wise, but very cool.

Last week, iTaggit released an awesome new feature that allows you to post an item for sale on ebay in a few clicks.

White Medallion Necklace

I posted this necklace, on a whim. I had never sold on ebay - can you believe it? I was amazed that someone purchased it! So while I was on ebay, I looked around for pieces I wanted to buy, and found another amazing Avon necklace.

In one week I sold and purchased my first items on ebay - it was very exciting! The new piece is super awesome - 1970s deco style (deco refers to 1920s to 30s style - geometric, urban and angular with a few fancy flourishes). This is all the rage right now in fashion.

Avon Deco Necklace

Now I have added the new necklace to my Funky Vintage Necklaces collection, and plan on selling and buying a lot more on ebay soon! Check out our online Help section for step by step guides to all the things you can do on iTaggit!

The Most Expensive Dessert In The World

Sure your collectibles are worth a lot of money, but a dessert? Sri Lanka has great antiques to buy, and is certainly known for their Buddhist temples, but “The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence,” which debuted in March, has brought delicacy and wealth to new heights. Its creation was inspired by the success of the restaurant’s other gem-studded treat, the Bombay Sapphire Martini. Wine3, one of the resort's restaurants, offers the Indulgence for $14,500. Yes, I typed that correctly. $14,500. What makes it so special? “The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence was created to give visitors at The Fortress Resort in the coastal city of Galle a one-of-a-kind experience,” said Shalini Perera, public relations manager at The Fortress. The dessert is a gold leaf Italian cassata flavored with Irish cream. It is served with a mango and pomegranate compote and a champagne sabayon enlighten, and is complimented by a chocolate carving of a fisherman clinging to a stilt, an age old local fishing practice. But the crowning jewel, and I mean that quite literally, is the 80 carat aquamarine stone that rests on a sliver of chocolate shaped to resemble the traditional stilt fisherman that is part of The Fortress' logo. Patrons are welcomed to pocket the gem after they polish off the delectable dessert. Although, the hotel has had many inquiries about the item, one as far away as Japan, no one has yet forked over the money to try it.