Friday, March 21, 2008

Celebrated Writer Leaves Marvel Comics

Comic book collectors who attended San Francisco’s WonderCon may have already heard the news that writer, J. Michael Straczynski is leaving Marvel Comics and heading over to DC Comics. JMS’s announcement is the biggest news to come from the convention season so far.

Straczynski is known for his work on “Amazing Spider-Man” when some of the most controversial events took place in Peter’s life, including Aunt Mary learning his secret identity once and for all. Straczynski also worked on several other graphic novels for Marvel including, “Babylon 5,” “Fantastic Four,” and “Supreme Power,” but it is yet to be announced what he will be working on at DC. All we know is that his first title with them will be released in the fall of 2008.

This isn’t the first shake-up for Marvel this year, if you remember from my previous blog, veteran artist, Mark Bagley, left a few months ago to work with DC Comics. Surely with these two industry giants on their side the worth of comics at DC are likely to go up. I imagine they are pretty excited about all of this. Hopefully Marvel can maintain their level of success even though they are losing people to competitors. It is pretty interesting that they are having such a hard time holding on to people who have been with them for so long. DC could be making offers these writers and artists can’t refuse or maybe they are looking for new blood at Marvel. Only the industry insiders really know that for sure.

Like I said before, if you have any Mark Bagley or JMS comics, now would be the time to look into comic book appraisals, your comics prices may have changed.

By Jamie.