Thursday, December 20, 2007

Gone Wishing- Wish List Contest Leaders *Only 1 Week Left

Here are today’s top 5 users in the Gone Wishing- Wish List Contest. The top 3 users who create the longest wish list by December 26 will win an item of their choice from their wish list. Start adding items today to win the gifts you don’t get for the holidays! Click here for more contest info.

Top 5 “Gone Wishing- Wish List” Contest Leaders:

1. olokin
2. ClaudeC
3. svs8764
4. nikxmarie
5. Ash1542

Add items faster using our Amazon feature. Here's how:

1. Click the orange Add new Item button.

2. Click Import From Amazon.

3. Enter the name of the items you want and search.

4. Click Add. Make sure to add it to your wish list.

*If you have items in your wish list that you already own or that have multiple entries, please be sure to move them into another collection. We do not want any one to lose out because their items were not eligible.

Art And Antiques Dubai

Indian jewelry, boxes, weaponry, textiles, and vintage photography will be featured at the debut of the “Art and Antiques Dubai” show in Madinat Jumeirah. The event will showcase over $200 million worth of art spanning from ancient times to present day, and developing through history according to the religious, political, and cultural emphasis of the times. There has been a rise in demand for 17th-20th century Indian jewelry among collectors all over the world due to the scarcity of Mughal jewelry made for the Mughal emperors. The pieces feature priceless stones such as Burmese rubies and Golconda diamonds from the earliest producing diamond mines in the world. Other featured items include an 18thth century Mughal colombian emerald armbands, an antique fly whisk set with precious stones, jewelled dagger handles, and fighting knives of steel inlaid with gold.

For more information on “Arts and Antiques Dubai”, visit Haughton International Fairs.

The Marvel Comics Summit

Did you know that all of the creative minds behind the Marvel Universe are meeting up this very minute (if you are reading this between 9:00am and 4:00pm EST) to discuss the fate of your favorite comics' characters? Well I didn't until this morning, so I found these updates through out the day very helpful in keeping up. Here's their example of what happens in the Hulk Room:

"What exactly happens at a Creative Summit? Here's the setting: A huge room with tables arranged in a giant square. In the front of the room, a giant chart hangs – broken up by Marvel publishing groups (Marvel Universe Heroes, Ultimate Universe, X-Men and Spider-Man) and then by months (January 2008 – July 2009). Editor-in-Chief, Joe Quesada, and President/Publisher Dan Buckley sit side by side. To their left moving around the circle (ok, square) is Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, C.B. Cebulski, Dan Slott, Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, Brian Michael Bendis, a slew of Marvel editors, Greg Pak, more Marvel editorial staff – hello Ralph Macchio – and then Jeph Loeb, Allan Heinberg and more editors and staff than you can shake a Donald Blake walking stick at! So, you can imagine the ideas whirling around the room – and whirl they did…"

Click here for a direct link to the constantly updating page and don't forget to manage your collectibles with iTaggit. Enjoy Marvel fans!

The Dark Knight Trailer And Analysis!

It's here! It's here! The Dark Knight Trailer is here! Ok, it was leaked earlier this week, but that won't stop me from watching it again and again. Click here for a great article outlining the trailer from, as well as the trailer itself. They also have the leaked version on several of their other pages for your viewing pleasure. If you are lost, The Dark Knight is the sequel to the smash hit Batman Begins, based off the DC Batman comic books. I've outlined what is known about the movie in my blog The Dark Knight and have included in it some trivia about the filming. Enjoy Batman fans!!! Remember, if you're curious about the value of your collections, Batman or otherwise, add them into our What's My Item Worth collection and we will do our best to estimate it.