Thursday, February 21, 2008

Spanish Language Comics

Marvel Comics

Comics appraisers are all talking about the hottest thing on the market these days; Spanish Language Comics. People started to really take notice of the profit possibility when Marvel Comics released both an English version and a Spanish version of Fantastic Four: Isla de la Muerta. After seeing how quickly the book sold out, I’m sure this was the first of many to be published.

The comic book tells the tale of The Fantastic four’s struggle with Chupacabras. Most of us have heard of Chupacabra, but for those of you who haven’t, the term means goat sucker in English. It refers to an animal that attacks, and drinks the blood of goats and other livestock. Of course, the existence of Chupacabra has yet to be proven.

Comic book collectors should take note, the worth of comics that have historical relevance like this one can grow to astronomical levels. I certainly wish I had a copy.

I think it is wonderful that mainstream American publishers are making their comics more available in other languages. This is a global economy and we all have to adapt to survive. Hopefully after two years of Spanish in high-school and four semesters more in college, I am fluent enough to read one. I can’t wait to give it a try!

By Jamie