Friday, December 28, 2007

New Degrees Available For Graphic Novelists

This article may be of some interest to those interested in comics and their rise in popularity. Carol Tyler is a professional cartoonist and graphic novelist, and she began teaching a comics art class last year at the University of Cincinnati. Hers is one of several such classes that have been added to fine arts curriculums as academic respect has grown for the graphic novelist community. “Schools are now recognizing the creative and commercial value of comic books,” Tyler said. “An interest in comics and cartooning doesn't have to be a secret any more.” Demand is growing for entry into the already established courses, and some schools are having to implement waiting lists to take classes. For example, The Savannah College of Art and Design offered comics art in 1992 as an elective to a handful of students. The school now has nearly 300 undergraduates and 50 graduate students pursuing bachelor's and master's degrees in sequential art, also known as comics art. Now as a young comics collector, the opportunity to pursue a career in their field of interest is becoming more attainable. Check out the rest of the article here for more information.

Time To Organize Holiday Gifts

Hello iTaggit friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! I was very pleased when some of my items from my iTaggit wish list appeared under the tree this year. I especially look forward to setting up my new green iPod mini! I hope all of you comic collectors out there received some great collectible additions, all of you antique and art aficionados acquired new pieces to be displayed in your homes, and of course all of you entertainment enthusiasts added new games, music, and dvds to your shelves, but all of you must be sure and add them to your iTaggit collection and share them with the rest of our community! There's no time like the present to get started on your birthday wish lists, and our Gallery is a great place to find ideas. I look forward to seeing what you all add, ask us if you need your collections valued, and I hope you have a happy new year!

UN Joins Forces With Marvel Comics

Any comics collector might find this an interesting idea for modern times. In a move reminiscent of story-lines developed during the second world war, the UN is joining forces with Marvel Comics, creators of Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk, to create a comic book showing the international body working with superheroes to solve bloody conflicts and rid the world of disease. The comic, initially to be distributed free to US schoolchildren, will be set in a war-torn fictional country and feature superheroes such as Spider-Man working with UN agencies such as Unicef and the “blue hats”, the UN peace-keepers. Camilla Schippa, chief of office at the UN Office for Partnerships, told the Financial Times the script was being written now and the final storyline was due to be approved in February. The cartoonists are working for free. After publication in the US, the UN hopes to translate the comics into French and other languages and distribute them elsewhere, Ms Schippa said. Although the UN did not come up with the initiative, the measure could help revive the body’s troubled image in the US, where relations have been strained.
The latest UN initiative is not the first time US comics have been used for political purposes. During the second world war, superheroes were shown taking on Germany’s Nazi regime. Marvel’s Captain America, together with other characters such as Superman, were shown beating up Adolf Hitler.
The UN’s goals are somewhat different: according to its website, it hopes the comics will teach children the value of international co-operation and sensitize them to the problems faced in other parts of the world. Click here to read the rest of the original article.

SPLASTK - First Web Syndicated Comic Book Fueled Video Network

Platinum Studios, Inc., an entertainment company that controls an independent library of comic book characters from all over the world, and Comflix Studios, Inc., a Los Angeles and New York based multi-media company, have created "Splastk," the first web syndicated on-demand video network featuring free comic book-inspired animated content powered by the Splastk player and anchored by
"Adding a dynamic element to the static print comic is the specialty of Comflix Studios," said Platinum Studios President, Brian Altounian. The partnership supplies targeted premium content while enhancing the overall experience for the comics collector looking to find something new. The customized Java-based player, compatible with any web browser, will host original material as well as aggregate content from multiple sources to deliver video simultaneously to a growing network of pop culture sites. Splastk animated videos are free to site users and are sponsored by brief, pre-roll targeted advertisements.
The network is currently anchored by a number of sites centered around
the web-comics community including,,,,, and The wide range of titles and themes in the Platinum Studios Comics library are coupled with the production capabilities of Comflix. Current available video titles on the Splastk player include Dracula vs. King Arthur and The Last Sin of Mark Grimm from Comflix Studios, as well as Dylan Dog and Sidekicks from Platinum Studios. Upcoming planned productions include adaptations of Platinum's Hero By Night series and Cowboys & Aliens. For more information, click here for the original press release in it's entirety.

Mint Offers Peek at Next Dollar Coins

Coming soon on new presidential dollar coins - Old Hickory, Old Kinderhook, Old Man Eloquent and the Last of the Cocked Hats. The U.S. Mint, the maker of the nation's coins, unveiled yesterday the stately images of the next four presidents whose faces will appear on the front of the shiny gold-colored dollar coins next year. James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren will be the new additions to the presidential dollar coin series that started with George Washington in February. The presidential dollar series is modeled on the Mint's popular 50-state quarter program, which lured millions of Americans into becoming coin collectors. More than 800 million presidential coins were put into circulation in 2007, the Mint said. Those first four coins carried the images of Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

Monroe, the nation's fifth president who was nicknamed the Last of the Cocked Hats - a reference to the hat worn by soldiers of the American revolution - will be the first of the 2008 presidential coins. The Monroe dollar coin will come out Feb. 14.

Adams, the country's sixth president was nicknamed Old Man Eloquent because of his long speeches. The Adams coin will be put into circulation May 15.

The dollar coin bearing the likeness of Old Hickory, the moniker for seventh president Andrew Jackson because of his leadership in the War of 1812, will be rolled out Aug. 14.

The Van Buren dollar coin, honoring the eighth president, will come out Nov. 13. One of Van Buren's nicknames was Old Kinderhook, a reference to his hometown in New York.

Like the quarters, the dollar coins will feature changing designs - four new presidents each year in the order they served in office. The president's faces are on the front of the coins, while the backs feature the Statue of Liberty. Some of the lettering, including "In God We Trust," was moved to the edge of the coins. For more information, check out the original article here. It is easy to use iTaggit to organize collections of coins as well as value your collectibles. Just add them into our “What's My Item Worth” collection, or try out our new Live Assist feature for instant help.

Rare 'Jenny' Stamp Sells for $825,000

I found a great story this morning by the Associated Press about one of the most famously flawed stamps in U.S. History. The “Inverted Jenny” sold for $825,000 to a New York collector who lost an auction last month in which another “Inverted Jenny” sold for $977,500. The rare 1918 24-cent stamp, depicting an upside-down Curtis JN-4 biplane known as “Jenny” is one of the finest known surviving stamps from the original sheet of 100 misprints. The original 100 were bought at a Washington, D.C., post office in 1918. “This is the Rolls-Royce,” said Randy Shoemaker, founder of Professional Stamp Experts. “It's the most expensive airmail stamp in the world.”
Post your stamp collection on iTaggit, and then add them to our “What's My Item Worth” category if you're curious about your collection's value.