Monday, August 13, 2007

I'll Trade You My Apple For A Nutty Buddy

My three favorite times as a child, in this order, were:

1. Last day of school

2. One day of year when it snowed

3. Back-to-school shopping

Back-to-school shopping was probably the only thing that got me stoked about the approaching school year. It wasn't that I didn't like school, but summers were just so unbelievably freeing. I disdained all the apple imagery that began popping up all the ads, reminding me of the inevitable early mornings, homework, and teasing. But once I got the school shopping list, my dread turned to eager anticipation. Maybe it was the smell of school supplies or the satisfaction of having a bunch of untouched objects at my disposal, but whatever the reason, I loved the careful choosing of supplies.

That's why I collect vintage lunch boxes. Because besides backpacks, lunch boxes were the single supply that insisted on personal expression.

I don't think I meant to collect lunch boxes. Something about that boxy, metal tote just triggered a memory one day when I was browsing a flea market. I opened up the lid and saw a Thermos. Oh yeah...Thermoses. I remember these...

And so the love affair began and has been rekindled since I've put them all on iTaggit. It's so much fun to stand back and look at these things that may not be worth much, but have always been a part of what makes me different.

How do your collections make you different?