Monday, January 7, 2008

Colonial Williamsburg's Annual Antiques Forum

When Colonial Williamsburg presents its 60th annual Antiques Forum, more than 20 of the nation's top antiques experts will share their latest discoveries between Feb. 3-7. Titled "From North to South: Regional Diversity in American Decorative Arts," the program features a comprehensive schedule of illustrated lectures and video-assisted workshops designed to survey the rich and varied heritage of early American regional antique styles before 1830. The talks will explore the period's unique ceramics, silver, textiles and paintings as well as its buildings.
The keynote speaker is cultural historian and educator Barbara Carson, who will present The Chipstone Lecture on "Cultural Diversity in Early America." Other visiting scholars include Carrie Rebora Barrett, curator of American paintings and sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, who will discuss "Regional Rules and Provincial Politics: How American Painters Dodged the System." Dean Failey of Christie's New York auction house will explore "Regionalism in American Decorative Arts."The program also will include several presentations by Colonial Williamsburg curators. Ronald Hurst, who is the Carlisle H. Humelsine Chief Curator and vice president of collections and museums, will profile "Regional Traits of Urban American Furniture, 1750-1800" and detail "What's New in the Colonial Williamsburg Collection."
Advance registration and payment is required. The registration fee of $550 includes admission to program presentations, an opening reception, daily continental breakfasts, coffee breaks and afternoon refreshments as well as a closing reception and dinner. For more information, consult the original article by Mark St. John Erickson here.